The expected chair results
- It is expected that the studies results that the chair will produce contribute to the limitation of the spread of the heart and vascular diseases and the urine drunk from the second kind and that she helps to the drunk know the genetic changes related to the heart and vascular diseases and the urine from the second kind of the Saudi citizens through establishing a database for them .
- Establishing database related to the genetic changes related to the occurrence of the disease and defining the most genetic changes related to the occurrence of those diseases and this will benefit the therapeutic centers of the heart diseases ( like the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard and the universities ) inside Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- To form a beginning is to establish a research and therapeutic center to treat the heart and vascular diseases and urine drunk
- The publication of 6 researches in world magazines with world reputation excellent and arbitrating she helps the specialists in the related health organizations in offering the service of the high quality
- Establishing a related world conference by the chair subject in it the subscribers exchange the scientific ideas and the discussions and this who disgraced him that he explains the importance of the chair subject from what helps to deploy the health awareness and shows an importance that explained solutions to this subject