Vision & Mission

General objective:
Provide excellent research on the genetic changes in the study of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes to achieve excellence locally, regionally and globally and to establish databases to address the lack of information on genetic variations in cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes in Saudi Arabia.

To be a Research Chair to study the genetic changes in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes type II is an important way to strengthen scientific research and training and to deepen knowledge of researchers, physicians  and members of the community and provide research contribute to raising the quality of health of the society as Chair to create a cadre of researchers and physicians in Saudi Arabia

Create excellence and reference bride achieves excellence in guiding scientific research to study the genetic changes of cardiovascular disease and, type 2 diabetes mellitus in Saudi Arabia and seeks to establish a significant impact in cardiovascular research and diabetes type II  mellitus locally, regionally and globally .


Last Update
3/17/2014 11:05:46 AM